We Are the Home of the Heroic Learning Phenomenom
With over $20 million invested in educating over 10 million K-6 students for over a decade – this is what we’ve learned AND created – the scalable learning platform to make it happen for ALL students:
The spark that ignites the fire of learning is a critical part of any meaningful learning.
This fire of learning powers the hope, motivation, and connectedness required to put in the work to succeed.
Heroic Learning is where the 2 most powerful learning technologies meet to support education’s “force of nature” – the teacher.
Game-based learning has proven to significantly move the needle for ALL students, while AI is now showing how it can exponentially magnify those gains and make it even more cost-effective and scalable.
Heroic Learning combines these 3 forces of nature to finally fix education and make it work for the kids, their families and the country.
This is the Heroic Learning Phenomenon!
We not only use Ai to turbocharge our learning platform, but we’re also teaching the upcoming generation how to use and manage Ai for good.
“For the past 40 years, I have been a teacher, principal, HS basketball coach, superintendent and state education executive. Never have I seen during my whole career the kind of engagement, learning outcomes and student growth, as I’ve seen with the Heroic Game Day students. This is a learning phenomenon that I’ve never seen before.”
Dr Tom Reed, Heroic Learning Advisor
Whether its a master teacher that is inspiring that classroom of students to learn, or our Heroic Game Day platform that can inspire millions to learn without requiring classroom or teacher time – its the same principle – when a child is excited to learn – they learn.
The technology that we’ve built over the past decade can deliver this to one student the same way it can deliver it to millions – this is how we scale and make the lifelong impact on those millions of students who are underserved and don’t have access to many advantages in life.
We start with the bottom 40% of the students and work our way up from there.
This is the simple solution to our education crisis – where common sense and experience meet technology to deliver what could end up being the most impactful learning platform that your school and student have access to.
You are Heroic!
This is the Message Our Underserved Students get Every Day and it Works!
The Underserved Student
Gets excited about Health, Attendance, Life-skills & Academics
Puts in the work to succeed, and becomes an Influencer to their parent/s, grandparents, teachers, peers, media and government.
All kids and the adults around them are getting excited to be healthier and involved in helping the upcoming generation learn.
We provide the 4 key pillars of an Underserved K-6 Student’s Success:
Chonic health problems are increasing at an alarming rate amongst our children. We need to start training them to live a healthy lifestyle – and we need to do it while they’re young and able to develop habits easily.
We have figured out how to use technology to inspire and motivate kids to show up to school and reverse the chronic absenteeism problem that most every district across the country is battling. We use technology to help the kids develop the life-skill of Resilience and Grit.
It has been proven over the past 100 years of solid research that when we teach our children the critical life-skills of success, they do better in the academic, social and economic areas of their lives. We teach the Top20 critical life-skills of success.
Our data shows that when kids spend 23 minutes per day for 5 days of the week, that after a year they will do better in all areas of their lives – in math, language arts, science, health and well-being and in every other area we need our children to learn in their younger years.
We deliver that learning in a kid-driven, game-based learning platform, AND THEN GET OUT OF THEIR WAY!
Heroic Game Day is the world-leading life-skills learning platform that has already taught over 10 million kids around the world. To find out more about this truly revolutionary and impactful learning platform CLICK HERE.
There are the 3 critical pillars of the Heroic Game Day platform
(able to educate millions)
In order to make an impact on a problem of this magnitude, you need to have an extremely scalable solution that delivers the same results whether there are millions or one family participating.
(learning that is relevant)
Learning comes down to relevance. If a person is interested or wants to learn something they will figure out how to learn it, regardless of any obstacles in their way.
(able to guarantee the results)
This is our guarantee: “Students that spend just 23 minutes a day, 5 days a week, completing Heroic Game Day missions will not only be workforce ready, they will increase student growth in reading and math and decrease chronic absenteeism.”
This is how the game and learning works
The Kids Love Learning this Way!
”It is different from other games, because the other games I can’t play in school or they just focus on one subject. Its better than games like Roblox and stuff.
– Dimitri J.5th grade Hero.
The Parents Need to see the Results
”This is great for our school. It’s a great program and I think, everybody should do it.
– Bobby HamlinGrandparent & School Board Member
Teachers, Principals and Superintendents need to see the Learning Outcomes and Extended Learning Time
”“Heroic Game Day has made a significant impact on the education outcomes of our students. The more students play the game the better their test scores, social and emotional wellness and overall capacity to learn.”
– Max LallathinPrincipal of Winchester Trail Elementary
Lawmakers need to see the Workforce Benefits to the Country
”Lawmakers and the Ohio Department of Education have been trying to look for high-quality programs that get kids engaged. There is still federal money available for remediation of student learning affected by the pandemic, and some of that money will be used for programs such as the Heroic Game Day.
– Sen. Andrew Brenner (R-Delaware)Chair of the Senate Education Committee
It will take a Heroic Effort to Serve the Underserved and Empower Them to Become Great Influencers.
CONTACT US to Empower your Underserved Students and Join the National Movement!
Send us a message today!